Saturday, April 18, 2015

New familia

Yesterday after school I met my new family. They are WONDERFUL. My host mom's name is Maria and my host brother's name is Lucas. He is in 6th grade at St. Paul's. Last night we went straight from school to a class that taught Lucas, along with some other 6th graders, how to make cupcakes. I found this entertaining because cupcakes are very common in America. Once we got home I unpacked once again and got settled in my new house. Lucas went to his dad's house so I was able to eat dinner with Maria and talk with her all night. She doesn't speak very good english but we are still able to communicate. She is very sweet and free spirited. My kind of woman. Today (Saturday) I got to walk around town a bit. Maria and I walked to lunch and stopped by the store. She showed me how to get around to the local places and I think I will be able to do this on my own very easily. Yay! Finally spreading my wings and getting out and about in town. Maria had some work things so I was able to go home and rest a bit before some more exploring. Once Maria returned with Lucas we went driving around. Instead of trying to explain everywhere we went I'll post pictures of the places. 

Here is the Olympic stadium where...can you guess it...? The Olympics were held! This is where the Olympic flame was lit all the way back in 1992- the year I was born. 

And here's a look inside the stadium. Maria told me big concerts have been held here like the Rolling Stones. 

Next stop was the art museum. Well just the outside of it because that's pretty enough on its own! Love love love this spot! If you're a fan of fountains like me, this is a sight to see. See further down for more pictures of the fountain. 

Here's Christopher Columbus. There are neat things like this at many of the intersections and roundabouts. So many cool things to see!! 

Now on to the beach. I'm lucky enough to call this handsome young man my tour guide and my host brother. Note to self: start wearing sunglasses. 

Woah! The next stop was breathtaking. Here is La Sagrada Familia. If you google Barcelona this is what you will find but trust me, a picture does not do it justice. 

That's about it for our little day adventure. We went back home for dinner and then returned to the Montjuic fountain/art museum. There is a light and water show along to music and it was incredible. Here are some pictures. Also a picture of my crazy, cool host mom. She's a superstar!

Well that's all for now. There's a lot going on in this post so thanks for bearing with me! Adios muchachos. 

1 comment:

  1. I miss being there with you! That art museum looks incredible! Love the light show at the fountain! I'll take you to the one at the casino when you get back. LOL!
