Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The bittersweet goodbye

I can't believe I am sitting in the airport waiting to go back home. Everyone told me the 4 weeks would fly bye and they have. I was very sad to leave my class and my host family but I am also so excited to get back home to my friends and family. The end of this trip is so bittersweet for me. I know that I will never have another experience like this again. I have gained a wonderful second family in Spain as well as some new teacher friends at St. Paul's. Barcelona will always have a special place in my heart. 

Here is a picture of Maria and I at my final dinner. Telling her goodbye this morning was very hard for me. I really look up to her because of her free spirit and wild personality. She does what makes her happy and does not care what anyone thinks of her. I strive to be like Maria in that aspect. She held me so tight when we hugged goodbye and told me that we will be friends forever. I really hope I get to see her and Lucas again some day. Maria and Lucas were not my original host family but I am so thankful that I was able to move in with them.

The trip to Spain definitely started as a cultural shock. The whole time I was there I was excited to return back to my home country where I don't feel like an outsider. Being away was wonderful but at the same time it really made me appreciate America. I have learned so much while being abroad and I do not regret one second of it. I have grown as a person as well as a teacher. I can not begin to describe how thankful I am for this opportunity. Thinking back on this experience it still seems unreal. I just lived in Barcelona for a month. I think it will take a while for this to sink in but for now I will just worry about graduation in just a few short days! 

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